I upgraded my hard drive to an SSD and now I can't use unity. It says my machine license is invalid and the sign in button doesn't work. Is there a fix?

I just registered this machine recently, I had an issue installing android studio caused by there being white space in the name of the windows 10 profile the previous owner of the machine chose when he reset the system. I had to perform another reset. Then I downloaded and re-installed everything. Today I purchased a Samsung 850 pro SSD hard drive, cloned my old hard drive, swapped out the old one, fired it up and immediately attempted to load unity in order to test my new load times. Now Unity thinks something is wrong and I am at a loss. I just paid 400$ for a year of unity plus and a pretty penny for a machine that can help me make the most of this learning opportunity. Only problem is now I am stuck on the sign in page and it is telling me my license is invalid probably because it is attributing my two licenses to my slower laptop and my old hard drive that is sitting next to me now on the couch. What is the fix?

http://answers.unity3d.com/comments/1393312/view.html This link has the solution to this problem. Thanks, @Komayo

Yeah, its a quick and easy fix.