I used unity ik but the weapon does not go upwards and downwards while aiming

I used unity IK but the weapon does not go upwards and downwards while aiming
Help me :slight_smile:


We literally have no idea how you’ve set up your IK. How are we supposed to help you?


Yeah, exactly. It requires multiple steps to set up. More than clicking a checkbox in animator layer

You’ll absolutely need coding, first to calculate your IK tagrets’ position based on your aiming vector, then to specify which body parts will be affected and when.

I used IK helper asset which is free on asset store and i have already set the ik target position based on aiming still it’s not working

IK Helper Tool | Animation Tools | Unity Asset Store This one?


Havent used it personally to be honest, but looks simple enough, judging by documentation. Do the dummy objects you selected as targets move as intended? (if you check them in Scene mode while the game is running) Are there any errors in debug console? And finally, we could take a look at the screenshot of the IK helper component in the inspector.

I changed to Animation rigging now its working pretty good tough