I used Unity to create one more FPS

Hi! I again used Unity to create a FPS in Minecraft-style. This time I took inspiration from Wolfenstein 3D, Doom and Painkiller.

Title is “Mine Action 3D”.

Levels are like ones in Wolf 3D, I tried to make gameplay less or more dynamic like in Doom. Finally, enemies leave souls and when your character get enough souls, supermode starts. It’s like demon morph in Painkiller.

First days after New Year are non-working in my country so I decided to create a FPS as people will have enough time to play games on PC.

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I played your game a little bit, it really feels like you were inspired by old-school shooters, which is pretty cool, and the gameplay is pretty fun. I wish you success in your career as a game developer, keep up the good work.

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