My custom mesh (I imported it using .fbx from Blender) has Bounds Center that aint (0,0,0), strangely. I need it fixed but Blender really doesnt help. Does anyone know a way to get my mesh’s “Bounds Center” to 0,0,0 ?
You can’t change this.
It’s also not the pivot of the object.
You CAN change the pivot of the object in your 3D software.
Or parent the graphics to another object and offset it.
If you are seeing something unusual with pivots, check your Center / Pivot and Local / Global settings, shortcut keys Z and X in the scene.
I didnt thought about making it a child. Thank you!
Necro-posting…but since this is one of the top posts regarding this question I’d like to chime in and say you can. Probuilder is included in unity but doesn’t usually come pre-installed. 1) Install it 2) drag mesh to scene 3) Select mesh and click Probuilderize 4) click the center pivot button 5) move the mesh to the desired location in relation to the origin 6) click freeze transform. 7) Export. 8) Assign newly created mesh to you prefab. This will make the origin the pivot and the mesh is now in relation to the origin. I just did this with one of the synty modular torso meshes that had a z=-11 so when I would rotate it, it did large offset circles. I was able to reset the y and z to 0 (but left the y at the desired height) so now it will twirl around it’s center axis
This solution works perfectly! Life saver!