I am 14, i am 3d artist with blender and i am searching a person wich i can make a video game.
I can Collaborate with you if you interested. contact me via WhatsApp +94783882612
Sorry i cant add you on whatsapp can we talk in discord
For sure Add me as a friend on Discord! Invite expires in 1 week: https://discord.com/invite/BR7yyrwF
I am 14 too!, and I have a YouTube channel on unity tutorials!< I can collaborate if you want. Currently working on my first game “Death Match Dominion”, not put any devlogs yet but will soon!, and also creating a complete full body fps controller/system.
I have made an asset too!, HK Foot Placement, Foot Solution for Unity : HK Foot Placement - Foot IK system - Triple - A quality + Base TPC Controller | Animation Tools | Unity Asset Store
Channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtljxTxlxkurghykF_QT0zA
Email : Hidden
Discord (To Join) Link : Hidden
My Discord User Name : Hidden
Let me Know if you are interested!