I want to make the NPC Talk to the character by saying it’s nice out today is it not when the player walks bye. Every time the player would walk bye the NPC would say hello after.I wanting a solution but i can’t find any tutorials. I’m still looking but if any body can help me out it would be great. It’s for a capstone event, and i have non playable character 3. It’s your choice if you want to help me since people will be seeing our game at our capstone night. I’m nervous since its in either march or april. Plus otherstuff happening for our final exam. Help if you agree to it.
I think what would work in this situation is a bark… basically when a certain criteria is met the character says a line. AI-driven Dynamic Dialog through Fuzzy Pattern Matching - YouTube
I’m creating my own NPC Ai asset for sale on the asset store, but won’t be ready for sometime, there are dialog managers and things on there as well too.