I have an idle animation that just for some reason really wants to play, maybe because it is the “main animation” at the start, linked to the on entry bit, but in between animations like walking up down left and right, it starts playing and looks really odd, is there any way to tell the idle animation to wait a couple of seconds before playing?
of course, go to your animator, have it go to an empty as a default, have it leave that to the main starting point of before on a trigger… after the delay you require, trigger the trigger and it will move on and start
Wow that was fast lol
“New State” is connected to “PlayerIdle” which I want to start after 2 seconds, its conditions basically state “If player no move, player make funny dance”
do you mean to set the exit time to a larger number?
Thankyou for that lightning fast response!
Edit: My player now wont do any animations until Player idle has played, and I still have the same problem, should I link it all back to this new state / this new state to everything so that I can still walk around and it not look like my stickman levetating before the player idles?
No, i dont mean change the exit time… I mean write a peice of code that runs a trigger to go from newstate to playerwalkleft, after a time, so its easily configurable. and set the trigger on that transition.
it doesnt look like theres a condition on that transition
I have now fixed it, Thankyou very much!