anyone here know how to import a jpg into a scroll view rather then a text field
this is what I’m working with
var scrollViewVector : Vector2 =;
var innerText : String = "I am inside the ScrollView";
var slideshowPics : Texture;
function OnGUI () {
// Begin the ScrollView
scrollViewVector = GUI.BeginScrollView (Rect (Screen.width/3, Screen.height/5.5, Screen.width/3.2, Screen.height/1.5), scrollViewVector, Rect (0, 0, 400, 4000));
// Put something inside the ScrollView
// innerText = GUI.TextArea (Rect (0, 0, 600, 4000), innerText);
slideshowPics = GUIElement (Rect (0, 0, 600, 4000), slideshowPics);
// End the ScrollView
if (GUI.Button(Rect(Screen.width/1.20,0,200,100),backToRSButton))