I’m using Oculus Integration to create an app for Meta Quest2.
I want to execute an event function when the laser pointer touches the plane image.
I tried it in the following way.
But, the execution result behaved as if the Event Type were set to Pointer Click.
How do I succeed?
- Set OVRCameraRig in the hierarchy
- Added OVR Physics Raycaster to OVRCameraRig
- Set UIHelpers in the hierarchy
- Enable Laser Pointer in UIHElpers>LaserPointer
- Set an empty game object in the hierarchy
- Add a C# file with event functions to an empty game object
- Set the texture type to sprite (2D and UI) in the button image inspector
- Set the button image in the hierarchy
- Add Box Collider to button image
- Add Event Trigger to button image
- Set items for button image event triggers
Event Type : Pointer Enter
Runtime Only
empty game object
C# function specified in step6
If you need any other information, please ask.
Thank you.