I want to get Audiotrack and output the sound through Audiosource

 public void SetActiveCameraAndMicrophone(WebCamTexture activeWebCamTexture, AudioSource activeMicrophone)
            // 기존의 비디오 트랙과 오디오 트랙을 제거합니다.
            var senders = _peerConnection.GetSenders();
            foreach (var sender in senders)

            // 비디오 트랙을 추가합니다.
            var videoTrack = new VideoStreamTrack(activeWebCamTexture);
            Debug.Log("Sender video track was set");

            // 마이크 트랙을 추가합니다.
            var audioTrack = new AudioStreamTrack(activeMicrophone);
            audioTrack.Loopback = true;
            if (activeMicrophone.clip == null)
                Debug.Log("not activeMicrophone");
                Debug.Log("good activeMicrophone");
            Debug.Log("Sender audio track was set");

        // 연결을 시작하는 메서드
        public void Connect()
            // _peerConnection이 null이라면 초기화
            if (_peerConnection == null)
                Debug.LogError("_peerConnection is null, attempting to reinitialize.");
                var config = new RTCConfiguration
                    iceServers = new RTCIceServer[]
                        new RTCIceServer { urls = new string[] { "stun:stun.l.google.com:19302" } }

                _peerConnection = new RTCPeerConnection(ref config);
                if (_peerConnection == null)
                    Debug.LogError("Failed to reinitialize RTCPeerConnection.");

            // 연결을 시도하기 전에 _peerConnection이 null이 아닌지 확인
            if (_peerConnection != null)
                Debug.LogError("_peerConnection is null after reinitialization.");

        // 연결을 종료하는 메서드
        public void Disconnect()
            if (!IsConnected)

            _peerConnection = null; // Disconnect 후 _peerConnection을 null로 설정

        // WebRTC 이벤트 핸들러들
        private void OnTrack(RTCTrackEvent trackEvent)
            // 비디오 트랙을 처리하는 부분
            if (trackEvent.Track is VideoStreamTrack videoStreamTrack)
                videoStreamTrack.OnVideoReceived += OnVideoReceived;
            // 오디오 트랙을 처리하는 부분
            else if (trackEvent.Track is AudioStreamTrack audioStreamTrack)
                    Debug.Log("OutputAudioSource.clip is null");
                OutputAudioSource.loop = true; // 필요 시 루프 설정
                Debug.Log("Audio track connected.");

                Debug.Log("event register");
                Debug.LogError($"Unhandled track of type: {trackEvent.Track.GetType()}. Only video and audio tracks are handled.");

“OutputAudioSource.clipisnull” log appears in this code, but I don’t know how to fix it. I checked that the audiosource has been added to the track, and I checked that the clip is notnull, but that log appears in the onTrack() method.