I want to know about Unity-ROS communication problems

I’m beginner to both ROS and Unity.
I used Docker on Windows and tried to exchange simple messages.
Actually, trying to communicate between ROS-Unity, after putting ROS-TCP-endpoint into ROS and putting ROS-TCO-Connector into Unity.
I started Publisher with ROS and Subscriber with Unity.
"Connection to failed - System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (0x80004005) appeared "on the Unity side, and it did not work well.
Why does this happen, is it a problem on the Docker side (ROS), or a problem on the Unity side?
tell me please.
I tried to add a topic, but I couldn’t add anything about ros.I’m sorry.

This issue has been resolved.
It was caused by specifying the docker port number and lack of understanding of docker.
“$docker run -v %UserProfile%/ros1_ws:/home/ubuntu/catkin_ws -p 6080:80 -p 10000:10000 --shm-size=1024m tiryoh/ros-desktop-vnc:noetic”