I want to play Run , JUMP and Die Sound for my hero .

Hey Buddy,

yesterday I was working on multiple sound for one game object … I read so many post too … I want to know is it good way have multiple sound source for a single game object ?? What is the best practice I should follow .

I want to play Run , JUMP and Die Sound for my hero .


Easy way - buy a plugin such as ours. Hard way - lots and lots and lots of coding. You’ll need to worry about things like placing Audio Source outside the game object so that sounds won’t get cut off when the game object despawns. And more problems like too many of the same sound all at once making a very loud noise (depending on your gameplay).

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Thanks Buddy …

I prefer to do coding :slight_smile:

Ok, well then you’ll need to think about those couple problems I mentioned and code with that in mind. There will be more problems too.

I think you can use only one audio source on the charactor,but you can replace the audio clip when the state is changed.

You can use more than one Audio Source actually, but you have to access any extra ones through an array. I’ve done it.

Both options i have tried … It is working fine …