I have a Unity game and want to use Unity Advertising to show an Ad for my game.
The help document tells me I can use an external party or the “in-house” attribution provider.
Where can I find Unitys in-house attribution provider, I don’t want any external services, I just want to show a video Ad?
Kindly notice, that an in-house attribution means the advertiser will build their own install attribution system instead of using any MMP service.
Currently, UnityAds doesn’t provide install attribution service yet.
Thank you. Then I misunderstood “in-house”.
Does “yet” mean that it will come soon? It seems absurd that I use all Unity services and still have to plug in an intermediate party for a simple thing as showing a video ad.
Further questions: Is there a way to not use attribution? My current privacy policy either way won’t allow tracking and I guess therefor no attribution.