I want to uploaded text from unity to the web server

I made a game in unity. I built it in webGL and uploaded it to itch.io
It’s a survival game and everyone gets to see the time they have survived
I want to upload everyone’s survival time to a web server and calculated so that everyone can see the best score so far and what percent of player they have beaten
How can I do that? What kind of web server should I use? Can I put it on my computer? What code should I write in order to do that?

most people would recommend paying to have your server hosted from a hosting service.
but Yes, you can also run a server at home on your computer.

when you talk to a server you are always using an IP address and port.

if you are at home,
you would need your computer on a static IP Address.
to do this you would need to use the routers “port forwarding” settings to forward the messages to your PC’s local address. also the PC needs to be set to allways request the same local address under your network adapter or network settings in windows (or your OS).

if you are using a hosting service they do most these above steps for you.

once you have a machine that is on a static IP and capable of listening
you would decide how and where to write your server code.

if you want to create it with visual studio, c# has a TCPlistener class that covers everything you need to make a program listen and respond to messages. there is also an add-on library called “node.js”. that makes things even easier if you set it up.

if you wanted to make a server through unity, they have a class for this too.

after your server is ready your users would talk to the server through either c#'s TCPclient class or unity has a couple of ways too. like unity’s WWW class. depends on what your doing and wheather you want to talk on a tcp level or a http level of networking.

good luck to you on your networking studies!