I was givne a one month free code, doesnt work

I was given a month of free muse code, attached to a link to follow and use in an email, but the link takes me to a page to pay to get muse, and the deadline for the code is tomorrow, any advice?

Go through the process like you’re going to pay, so you arrive where it asks you for credit card details. Thats the page you paste your voucher code in. Its below your Order Summary on the right. Mine just worked :muscle:

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thx mine just worked too, but I guess our account will be chatged 30 a month after the 30 day free trial,

If you turn off the subscription so you don’t get charged, mine popped up a survey after I toggled it off. So I completed the survey and closed the window. But, you have to also click Save Changes or something like that. Not just the toggle and survey. I think a lot of people are going to get charged when they thought they turned it off :sweat_smile:

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how do you turn off subscription?


then click
View Subscription in the top right

Then next to Muse click Manage Seats

Then click

Then click


Thank you, you are the best !!!

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