I wasnt quite sure where to put this, so this seemed like the best place for my "predicament?"

So I’ve been kinda writing out stuff on paper ideas for a game I have in mind to make, regardless of my complete lack of experience.

The idea is a uh… 2.25D fighting game?

Best way to explain something I want to put into the game. Essentially it’s a 2D fighting game. The reason why I say 2.25D is because I have intentions on not giving stages corners, having them sort of loop around in a sense. Not 2.5D, but not quite the typical 2D box situation either. Various things I would like to include in said game that I have no clue where to start at are as follows:
Typical Arcade, Survival, Story, Versus stuff. Kinda standard. Maybe team switch out situtations.
Essentially a Skull Girls Training/Practice mode.
In depth tutorial modes.
Online Multiplayer perhaps?
Stance Changing System
A Parry System in which it has a cost and xyz frame window.
A Character Specific Parry in which its a 1 frame window with no cost.
Hybrid of the previous two
The ability to stop projectiles mid movement and continue on command, and limits to those on screen.
Puppet system.
Move Cancelling
A sort of, delay system in certain moves for effects such as,
-A way to mash out of being frozen
An afterburn or poison effect.
Obviously blocking
Special Meters obviously
Customization in matches such as rounds and time amount via versus and online
Stamina meters
-Steady regeneration of said stamina
-Regeneration of Stamina on command
Hp Recovery on command
Ammo System
-Refill on Command
-Entire set limited supply that varies due to the max amount of rounds a set can have.
A Charging system that also translates into a stamina system in which it can purposely be overcharged.
Moves that damage the user should connection not be made, but dont damage if damage is dealt to an opponent
An absorb system in which should a move connect, allows access to other moves or the previously mentioned hp recovery, in hand with the previously mentioned moves.
“Power-Up” System (Not as in items, its an Archetype)
Decent UIs
60 FPS Ideally. Figured I’d throw that in there even though its not quite necessary.
Gamepad support not needed due to key2joy being a thing, but it would be very much nice.
(WASD, whatever 7 buttons Iunno 1234567 for example, Start, maybe a taunt?)

I’ve been looking around and Unity seems the easiest to pick up on and looks pretty good to be used for a fighting game.

Obviously, something like this damn for sure isnt something you just pick up over the weekend, but I was hoping someone would point me into the right directions on the various things I mentioned, to make this monster a reality.

To anyone who responds, thanks.

Hi Azure,

Wraparound is still 2D :slight_smile: This’ll help avoid confusion in later discussions.

Looks like you’ve got a healthy, well considered feature set here to get you started. The trick is to build the bare minimum and then iterate on it, adding features. So if you want a starting point, I’d say:

A scene (level) that has gravity and allows a character (only has to be a box) move left/right and jump

That’s the root of your character physics done and a basic understanding of Unity along the way. So where to get started with the scene with gravity and a character and basic controls? The Unity 2D tutorial!


Just take it slow, add small feature by small feature and then, before you know it, your game will have started to take shape.

Are you an artist? A game like skull-girls relies quite heavily on an artist.

The game sounds interesting though, so good luck!

Thanks haha. And yes I am. On a side know, just didnt quite know how else to explain all of the features of skull girl’s training with all the hitbox stuff and etc, so I just referenced it.

But thanks alot. Will jump on this asap.