I would like to add a delay to activating a camera

This is the entire script, I just want the camera to activate 0.5 seconds after you press the mouse button. How would I go about this?
Note: I know I could make this much more compact but I like it like this. C# please

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class Aim_s : MonoBehaviour {

public bool Aim = false;
public GameObject Cam;
float delay = 1;

void Start() { Cam.active = false; }

void Update()
    if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1))
        Aim = true;
        if (Aim == true)
            Cam.active = true;

    if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(1))
        Aim = true;
        if (Aim)
            Cam.active = false;


  1. float timer= float.MaxValue;
  2. When the user presses the mouse timer = Time.time + .5f (set the timer .5 seconds in the future)
  3. in Update(){ if(Time.time > timer) activate camera }
  4. When deactivating: timer = float.MaxValue

Let me know if you want more details. Basically we have a timer and when we click the timer gets set for .5 seconds. Then when Time.time passes the timer we activate the camera.

Thanks, I ended up with this, I finished getting rid of extras as well! Let me know if there is anything I did wrong or could do better.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class Aim_s : MonoBehaviour

public bool Aim = false;
public GameObject Cam;
public float timer = float.MaxValue;

void Start() { Cam.active = false; }

void Update()
    if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1))
        timer = Time.time + .8f;
    if (Time.time > timer)
        Cam.active = true;
    if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(1))
        timer = float.MaxValue;
    if (Time.time <= timer)
        Cam.active = false;
