IAP 4 not working after update


Version : Unity 2021.1.11f1

Everything is working in IAP 3.2.3 version but if I switch to 4.5.0 application crashes at startup:

Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred. events=0x9
Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed!


What device are you testing on, can you provide steps to reproduce, starting with a new project? That does not sound like an IAP error, I did find these using Google https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13869289/consumer-closed-input-channel-or-an-error-occurred-events-0x8 and https://discussions.unity.com/t/768181

Steps to reproduce ?
Unity IAP package 4.12.2 is now available page-2#post-8485985

Absolutely nothing more.

Sorry, that would not be actionable. Please provide more information, as requested. I’ve viewed some of your other posts and I understand that you are a bit frustrated, sorry about that. But to address your issue, we would need more information. What device are you seeing this error, Android or iOS? Did the links I shared look to be relevant?

Redmi Note 7

I already read your posts before creating my message and they don’t fit my problem.

Until now I had no problem with Unity but for several months now it doesn’t stop.

I tried to switch to Unity 2021.3 but I have an unresolved keystore problem and I haven’t gone any further for now.

I have a game used by thousands of users that I unfortunately can’t bring into compliance with the many new Google Play Store rules.

Understood. Unfortunately there is no immediate action we can take with this information. Perhaps if someone else sees this thread and has the issue, they can provide more information and steps to reproduce. In the meantime, you might want to compare your code to the Sample IAP Project, which is working with 4.5.0 for me. The device logs may provide more information too. Does this phone have the Google Play Store installed? You might also try with a non-Xiaomi device too https://discussions.unity.com/t/700293/6 and https://discussions.unity.com/t/699654