IAP local receipt validation exception: UnityEngine.Purchasing.Security.InvalidSignatureException

When testing Unity IAP with a test user on an Android internal game build (using code based on the local receipt validation IAP sample), I’m getting this exception on every purchase when calling CrossPlatformValidator.Validate():
UnityEngine.Purchasing.Security.InvalidSignatureException. The same code works for iOS. I generated the GooglePlayTangle.cs. Unity version 6000.0.35f1, IAP 4.12.2. Is it expected to get this exception on an internal build with a test user, or is there anything else I should try/fix?

Exception stack trace:
Invalid receipt: UnityEngine.Purchasing.Security.InvalidSignatureException: Exception of type ‘UnityEngine.Purchasing.Security.InvalidSignatureException’ was thrown.
01-30 13:45:33.167 11631 11658 I Unity : at UnityEngine.Purchasing.Security.CrossPlatformValidator.Validate (System.String unityIAPReceipt) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0

Validation code:

                var appleTangleData = m_UseAppleStoreKitTestCertificate ? AppleStoreKitTestTangle.Data() : AppleTangle.Data();
                m_Validator = new CrossPlatformValidator(GooglePlayTangle.Data(), appleTangleData, Application.identifier);

    public PurchaseProcessingResult ProcessPurchase(PurchaseEventArgs args)
        //Retrieve the purchased product
        var product = args.purchasedProduct;

        var isPurchaseValid = IsPurchaseValid(product);

        if (isPurchaseValid)
            //Add the purchased product to the players inventory
            Debug.Log("Valid receipt, unlocking content.");
            Debug.Log("Invalid receipt, not unlocking content.");

        //We return Complete, informing Unity IAP that the processing on our side is done and the transaction can be closed.
        return PurchaseProcessingResult.Complete;

    bool IsPurchaseValid(Product product)
        //If we the validator doesn't support the current store, we assume the purchase is valid
        if (IsCurrentStoreSupportedByValidator())
                var result = m_Validator.Validate(product.receipt);

                //The validator returns parsed receipts.

            //If the purchase is deemed invalid, the validator throws an IAPSecurityException.
            catch (IAPSecurityException reason)
                Debug.Log($"Invalid receipt: {reason}");
                return false;

        return true;

Nevermind. I didn’t get the error after obfuscating license keys again.