IAP not showing up

I installed IAP package 4.5.0 and also try with 4.1.5.
I follow this guide How to Set Up | In App Purchasing | 4.5.0 (unity3d.com).

This is how I initialize:
async void Start()
var options = new InitializationOptions().SetEnvironmentName(environment);

await UnityServices.InitializeAsync(options);
catch (Exception exception)
Debug.LogError("ERROR " + exception);
// An error occurred during services initialization.

And this is how I try to load IAP:
public void SetPurchaseItem()
info.text = “tryPurchase”;
var builder = ConfigurationBuilder.Instance(StandardPurchasingModule.Instance());
builder.AddProduct(“gold50”, ProductType.Consumable);
UnityPurchasing.Initialize(this, builder);

I also updated the item in the console.

The function OnInitialized has been called but nothing else happen.

I get errors in this function at LocalReceiptValidation:
void InitializeValidator()
if (IsCurrentStoreSupportedByValidator())
var appleTangleData = m_UseAppleStoreKitTestCertificate ? AppleStoreKitTestTangle.Data() : AppleTangle.Data();
m_Validator = new CrossPlatformValidator(GooglePlayTangle.Data(), appleTangleData, Application.identifier);

The following are with errors: AppleStoreKitTestTangle , AppleTangle , GooglePlayTangle

Thank you

So, I’m updating that “GooglePlayTangle” and the others now recognized. But still nothing happens. :frowning:

I just found the right documentation and realize I didn’t include in my code “controller.InitiatePurchase(productId);”.
Never mind and thank you :slight_smile: