ICustomBoostrap interface is different than in manual?

I’m using Entities 0.11.0 preview7;

Manual states that it is this:

public interface ICustomBootstrap
    // Returns the systems which should be handled by the default bootstrap process.
    // If null is returned the default world will not be created at all.
    // Empty list creates default world and entrypoints
    List<Type> Initialize(List<Type> systems);

However, real interface is this:

namespace Unity.Entities
  public interface ICustomBootstrap
    bool Initialize(string defaultWorldName);

What I’m missing? How to use it?

Systems aren’t pass in anymore, you can get the system list using

Replicating default inintialization would look something like this

var world = new World(defaultWorldName);
World.DefaultGameObjectInjectionWorld = world;

var systems = DefaultWorldInitialization.GetAllSystems(WorldSystemFilterFlags.Default);

DefaultWorldInitialization.AddSystemsToRootLevelSystemGroups(world, systems);
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You using a very old Manual, i think it was changed back in version 0.2.

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Right, thank you guys, I should rely on version toggle instead of google.

Holdup, this page haven’t been updated either.

What @tertle posted works though and should be in the manual instead.

It was mentioned in changelog

* `ICustomBootstrap` & `DefaultWorldInitialization` is now composable like this:
class MyCustomBootStrap : ICustomBootstrap
    public bool Initialize(string defaultWorldName)
        Debug.Log("Executing bootstrap");
        var world = new World("Custom world");
        World.DefaultGameObjectInjectionWorld = world;
        var systems = DefaultWorldInitialization.GetAllSystems(WorldSystemFilterFlags.Default);

        DefaultWorldInitialization.AddSystemsToRootLevelSystemGroups(world, systems);
        return true;
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