I'd like to assign data to a object

I receive the data which are X, Y, Z position and X, Y, Z rotation by Using UDP real time(60hz)
I used the code by la1n.(simple udp implementation (send/read via mono/c#) - Unity Engine - Unity Discussions)
I write the code myself by using la1n’s code. But I have some troubles.
First, I think I complete string split and parse by using array.
Is there any problem in split and parse?
I have a problem about matching data(x,y,z pos and x,y,z rot) to Object(box).

I attached my code(which are c# and lua script)

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Threading;

public class UDPReceive : MonoBehaviour

    // receiving Thread
    Thread receiveThread;

    // udpclient object
    UdpClient client;

    // port
    public int port = 8051; // define > init

    // infos
    public string lastReceivedUDPPacket = "";

    // start from shell
    private static void Main()
        UDPReceive receiveObj = new UDPReceive();

        string text = "";
            text = Console.ReadLine();
        while (!text.Equals("exit"));
    // start from unity3d
    public void Start()


    void SetTransform(float XPos, float YPos, float ZPos)
        transform.position = new Vector3(XPos, YPos, ZPos);

    void SetRotation(float XRot, float YRot, float ZRot)
        transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(XRot, YRot, ZRot);

    void Update()


    // OnGUI
    void OnGUI()
        Rect rectObj = new Rect(40, 10, 200, 400);
        GUIStyle style = new GUIStyle();
        style.alignment = TextAnchor.UpperLeft;
        GUI.Box(rectObj, "\nLast Packet: \n" + lastReceivedUDPPacket, style);

    // init
    private void init()
        // Endpunkt definieren, von dem die Nachrichten gesendet werden.

        // define port
        port = 8051;

        // status
        print("Sending to : " + port);
        print("Test-Sending to this Port: nc -u  " + port + "");

        // ----------------------------
        // Abhören
        // ----------------------------
        // Lokalen Endpunkt definieren (wo Nachrichten empfangen werden).
        // Einen neuen Thread für den Empfang eingehender Nachrichten erstellen.
        receiveThread = new Thread(
            new ThreadStart(ReceiveData));
        receiveThread.IsBackground = true;

    // Unity Application Quit Function
    void OnApplicationQuit()

    // Stop reading UDP messages
    private void stopThread()
        if (receiveThread.IsAlive)

    // receive thread
    private void ReceiveData()

        client = new UdpClient(port);
        while (true)

                // Bytes empfangen.
                IPEndPoint anyIP = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0);
                byte[] data = client.Receive(ref anyIP);

                // Bytes mit der UTF8-Kodierung in das Textformat kodieren.
                string text = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data);

                // Data Received from simulation
                print("Received Data >> " + text);

                // latest UDPpacket
                lastReceivedUDPPacket = text;

            catch (Exception err)

    private void parseDataToBox ( string text )
            float[] floatData = Array.ConvertAll(text.Split(';'), float.Parse);
            float XPos = floatData[0];
            float YPos = floatData[1];
            float ZPos = floatData[2];
            float XRot = floatData[3];
            float YRot = floatData[4];
            float ZRot = floatData[5];          
        catch (Exception err)

This code is Lua

  socket = require("socket")
  function dataListener:post( t )
    local XPos = ship.rb:getPosition():x()
    local YPos = ship.rb:getPosition():y()
    local ZPos = ship.rb:getPosition():z()
    local XXPos = math.floor( XPos * 1000 + 0.5 ) / 1000
    local YYPos = math.floor( YPos * 1000 + 0.5 ) / 1000
    local ZZPos = math.floor( ZPos * 1000 + 0.5 ) / 1000
    local XRot = ship.rb:getRotation():x()
    local YRot = ship.rb:getRotation():y()
    local ZRot = ship.rb:getRotation():z()
    local XXRot = math.floor( XPos * 1000 + 0.5 ) / 1000
    local YYRot = math.floor( YPos * 1000 + 0.5 ) / 1000
    local ZZRot = math.floor( ZPos * 1000 + 0.5 ) / 1000
    udp:send(string.format("%f; %f; %f; %f; %f; %f", XXPos, YYPos, ZZPos, XXRot, YYRot, ZZRot));

1. All those floats in
parseDataToBox ( string text )
are all local variables that cant be seen outside of that method.

2. you dont pass any floats to the methods you are calling, they require them.

  • void Update()
  • {
  • SetTransform();
  • SetRotation();

They might not need them to be passed, depending on how you handle the floats from parseDataToBox