IDE0059 unused value assignment

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEditor.Experimental.GraphView;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem;

public class PlayerController : MonoBehaviour
    Vector2 movementInput;
    public float moveSpeed = 1f;

    public float collisionOffset = 0.05f;

    Rigidbody2D rb;

    public ContactFilter2D movementFilter;

    List<RaycastHit2D> castCollisions = new List<RaycastHit2D>();

    void Start()
        rb = GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>();

    private void FixedUpdate() {
            if (movementInput !=

            bool success = TryMove(movementInput);

                if (!success)
                    success = TryMove(new Vector2(movementInput.x, 0));
                    if (!success)

                       success = TryMove(new Vector2(0, movementInput.y));



        private bool TryMove(Vector2 direction)
            int count = rb.Cast(
                   moveSpeed * Time.fixedDeltaTime + collisionOffset);
            if (count == 0)
                rb.MovePosition(rb.position + direction * moveSpeed * Time.fixedDeltaTime);
                return true;

                return false;
        void OnMove(InputValue movementValue)
            movementInput = movementValue.Get<Vector2>();

what i’m trying to do is to make a character slide off when it hits with a collider. And theres this thing that the line " success = TryMove(new Vector2(0, movementInput.y));" says that the unused value assignment; any tips? dont change the code significantly tho, thanks

You assign to success a third time but you aren‘t using that variable afterwards, thus the assignment is pointless and not needed.

You could use a discard on the last TryMove call:

_ = TryMove(new Vector2(0, movementInput.y));

I’m pretty certain that the result can be discarded by simply calling the function without assignment.

TryMove(new Vector2(0, movementInput.y));