Ideas for a game.

I’d like an idea from someone for my new development! Please send in some ideas! When I get to some time in the game, I’ll give you credit and I swear. :wink:

Your first post and you don’t have an idea anymore? :face_with_spiral_eyes:
Write a Pong clone. :wink:


Why post in Work In Progress, while you have no work in progress at all :S.

You should make a game where you play as a goat and you can run around and head-but people.
Also, as an upgrade, you can lick objects (like an axe for example) and you can run around an hit NPCs with the axe.

You can call it goat simulator 2014 or something.

Now I want to see my name in the credits!

Would this generator help you out?
It spews out some weird ideas…
A real-time strategy game where you stop breathing if you don’t find robot zombies and you can use the corpses in creative ways.

Ufo top down game where you abduct cows and people. Get points for destroying building and surviving attacks from the government.


A superman runner where you fly through a city. Shooting lasers through your eyes at evil stuff.

How about a game where you run a game studio - and you manage people and assets and budgets and schedules and release and publishing and marketing - and game ideas.

Uh… that’s actually already a game.

I like the idea that was used on It’s titled, “World of World of Warcraft”. In the game you play a person who is playing WOW in their parent’s basement. You could make it a casual game where you constantly thwart your mother’s constant nagging for you to get a job or take out the trash. Maybe an occasional earthquake where you dodge falling debris, but not actually stepping away from your game of WOW. Heck, I’d play it for the novelty alone…

Thats a good idea.

Good Idea.

OMG, I could spend hours laughing at some of those. Thanks for sharing that lol