Ä° got it to freeze in the first trial than checked the editor log. It looked like litteraly no operation was called. (yes it shows what has been done if it doesent freeze). There are Unity.Random i am using i will give you the whole code now. Sorry for if its a mees i am not much experienced in long scripts
The part that uses UnityEngine.Random is BoxSenderTypeRandomizer and BoxContentTypeRandomizer
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Unity.VisualScripting;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UIElements;
public class BoxSpawningHandler : MonoBehaviour
#region RandomBoxCreationLists
string[] boxSenderTypes = { "normal", "mafia", "smuggler" };
string[] normalSenderBoxTypes = { "daily", "fragile", "valuable", "explosive" };
string[] mafiaSenderBoxTypes = { "valuable", "explosive", "weapon", "banned", "smuggled", "misc" };
string[] smugglerSenderBoxTypes = { "valuable", "banned", "smuggled", "misc" };
#region SpawnBoxHandlingVariables
GameObject currentBox;
GameObject lastBox;
private GameHandler gameHandler;
public void StopLastBox() // Debug For Stopping And Deleting Current Coroutine
public void StartBoxSpawning(DataForBoxSpawning dataForBoxSpawning) // To Start CoRoutine From Another Script
private void Awake()
gameHandler = GetComponent<GameHandler>();
void BoxSpawning(DataForBoxSpawning dataForBoxSpawning)
GameObject box = Instantiate(dataForBoxSpawning.TEST_BoxPrefab, dataForBoxSpawning.TEST_BoxSpawnPos.position, dataForBoxSpawning.TEST_BoxSpawnPos.rotation, null);
currentBox = box;
if (box == null)
Debug.LogError("Box prefab oluşturulamadı! Box null döndü.");
Rigidbody rb = box.GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
Box b = box.transform.Find("Box")?.GetComponent<Box>();
if (b == null)
Debug.LogError("Box bileşeni bulunamadı!");
rb.useGravity = false;
rb.isKinematic = true; // Box donduruldu
var senderType = BoxSenderTypeRandomiser(gameHandler.Day);
b.boxSenderType = senderType;
if (senderType == null)
Debug.LogError("BoxSenderTypeRandomiser null döndürdü!");
var contentType = BoxContentTypeRandomiser(gameHandler.Day, senderType);
b.boxContentType = contentType;
if (contentType == null)
Debug.LogError("BoxContentTypeRandomiser null döndürdü!");
SpawningContentListRandomizer(contentType, dataForBoxSpawning);
string BoxSenderTypeRandomiser(int day)
int x = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 101);
if (gameHandler.GameState == GameState.Infinite)
return null; // Fill This Place When You Start Adding Infinite
else if (gameHandler.GameState == GameState.Campaign)
if (day <= 10)
return x <= 75 ? "Normal" : x <= 90 ? "Government" : "Mafia";
else if (day <= 30)
return x <= 60 ? "Normal" : x <= 82 ? "Government" : "Mafia";
else if (day > 30)
return x <= 45 ? "Normal" : x <= 73 ? "Government" : "Mafia";
else { Debug.LogError($"Ä°nvalid Day For Campaign: {day}"); return null; }
Debug.LogError($"Ä°nvalid Call Time | Game State {gameHandler.GameState.ToString()}"); return null;
string BoxContentTypeRandomiser(int day, string senderType)
int x = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 101);
var senderActions = new Dictionary<string, Func<int, int, string>>
{ "Normal", (day, x) => HandleNormal(day, x) },
{ "Government", (day, x) => HandleGovernment(day, x) },
{ "Mafia", (day, x) => HandleMafia(day, x) },
if (gameHandler.GameState == GameState.Infinite)
return null;
else if (gameHandler.GameState == GameState.Campaign)
if (senderActions.ContainsKey(senderType))
return senderActions[senderType].Invoke(day, x);
else { Debug.LogError($"Invalid Sender Type: {senderType}"); return null; }
else { Debug.LogError("Invalid Expection In Wrong Screen " + gameHandler.GameState.ToString()); return null; }
string HandleNormal(int day, int r)
if (day <= 10)
return r <= 65 ? "Daily" : r <= 77 ? "Fragile" : r <= 87 ? "Valuable" : "Electronics";
else if (day <= 30)
return r <= 45 ? "Daily" : r <= 60 ? "Fragile" : r <= 75 ? "Valuable" : "Electronics";
else if (day > 30)
return r <= 25 ? "Daily" : r <= 50 ? "Fragile" : r <= 75 ? "Valuable" : "Electronics";
else { Debug.LogError("Ä°nvalid Day Type"); return null; }
string HandleGovernment(int day, int r)
if (day <= 10)
return r <= 60 ? "Equipment" : r <= 80 ? "Money" : r <= 90 ? "Weapon" : "Explosive";
else if (day <= 30)
return r <= 50 ? "Equipment" : r <= 75 ? "Money" : r <= 90 ? "Weapon" : "Explosive";
else if (day > 30)
return r <= 45 ? "Equipment" : r <= 65 ? "Money" : r <= 80 ? "Weapon" : "Explosive";
else { Debug.LogError("Ä°nvalid Day Type"); return null; }
string HandleMafia(int day, int r)
if (day <= 10)
return r <= 60 ? "Cigarette" : r <= 80 ? "Cigar" : r <= 95 ? "MafiaWeapon" : "Drug";
else if (day <= 30)
return r <= 50 ? "Cigarette" : r <= 80 ? "Cigar" : r <= 90 ? "MafiaWeapon" : "Drug";
else if (day > 30)
return r <= 40 ? "Cigarette" : r <= 55 ? "Cigar" : r <= 78 ? "MafiaWeapon" : "Drug";
else { Debug.LogError("Ä°nvalid Day Type"); return null; }
void SpawningContentListRandomizer(string contentType, DataForBoxSpawning dataForBoxSpawning)
int ContentSpawnCountHandler(int howManyTypes)
if (howManyTypes == 1)
return UnityEngine.Random.Range(5, 10);
else if (howManyTypes < 4)
return UnityEngine.Random.Range(3, 6);
return UnityEngine.Random.Range(2, 5);
int IfOneTime = PercentageRandom(20);
List<string> result = new List<string>();
//For Speacial Cases
if (contentType == "Valuable" || contentType == "Equipment" || contentType == "Weapon" || contentType == "MafiaWeapon")
IfOneTime = 1;
if (contentType == "Explosive" || contentType == "Money" || contentType == "Cigar" || contentType == "Cigarette")
IfOneTime = 0;
List<string> itemsList = dataForBoxSpawning.RequestList(contentType, IfOneTime);
int count = itemsList.Count;
if (IfOneTime == 1)
int random = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, count);
StartCoroutine(ContentSpawnProcedure(result, dataForBoxSpawning));
else if (IfOneTime == 0)
int numberOfDifferentItems = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 5);
HashSet<int> set = new HashSet<int>();
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfDifferentItems; i++)
int random = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, count);
while (set.Contains(random))
random = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, count);
for (int j = 0; j < ContentSpawnCountHandler(numberOfDifferentItems); j++)
StartCoroutine(ContentSpawnProcedure(result, dataForBoxSpawning));
else { Debug.LogError($"Invalid Percantage Value {IfOneTime}"); }
IEnumerator ContentSpawnProcedure(List<string> listToSpawn, DataForBoxSpawning dataForBoxSpawning)
Debug.Log("Coroutine ContentSpawnProcedure started");
Box b = currentBox.transform.Find("Box").GetComponent<Box>();
Debug.Log("Box component fetched");
b.contents = listToSpawn; // Save the items list to the box
Debug.Log("List assigned to box contents");
Dictionary<string, GameObject> prefabsDictionary = dataForBoxSpawning.RequestDictionary(b.boxContentType); // Get the prefab data to spawn
Debug.Log("Prefabs dictionary fetched");
List<GameObject> spawnedObjectsList = new List<GameObject>(); // Track spawned objects for later processing
Debug.Log("Spawned objects list initialized");
for (int i = 0; i < listToSpawn.Count; i++)
Debug.Log($"Spawning object for list item {i}: {listToSpawn[i]}");
GameObject spawningObj;
if (prefabsDictionary.ContainsKey(listToSpawn[i]))
spawningObj = prefabsDictionary[listToSpawn[i]];
Debug.Log($"Found prefab for {listToSpawn[i]}");
spawningObj = null;
Debug.LogError($"Key {listToSpawn[i]} wasn't found in the dictionary");
GameObject spawnedObj = Instantiate(spawningObj, dataForBoxSpawning.TEST_ContentSpawnPos.position, dataForBoxSpawning.TEST_ContentSpawnPos.rotation, null);
Debug.Log($"Instantiated object: {spawnedObj.name}");
Debug.Log("Added object to spawnedObjectsList");
yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.3f); // Delay between spawns
Debug.Log("Waited 0.3 seconds before next spawn");
Debug.Log("Starting post-spawn processing");
foreach (GameObject item in spawnedObjectsList)
Debug.Log($"Processing item: {item.name}");
Rigidbody rb = item.GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
Debug.Log("Rigidbody component fetched");
float startTime = Time.time;
Debug.Log("Start time recorded");
// Wait for the object to stop moving or until timeout
while (rb.velocity.magnitude >= 0.1f)
Debug.Log($"Object {item.name} velocity: {rb.velocity.magnitude}");
if (Time.time - startTime > 7f) // Timeout after 7 seconds
Debug.LogWarning($"Timeout: Object {item.name} did not stop moving, forcing kinematic state.");
yield return null;
rb.isKinematic = true;
rb.useGravity = false; // Completely freeze the item
Debug.Log($"Object {item.name} frozen and kinematic set");
Debug.Log($"Object {item.name} parent set to Contents");
Debug.Log("Clearing spawnedObjectsList");
spawnedObjectsList.Clear(); // Clear the list after completing the spawning procedure
Debug.Log("Deleting overcolliding items");
DeleteBoxOvercollider(dataForBoxSpawning); // Delete items colliding with the box lid
yield break;
void DeleteBoxOvercollider(DataForBoxSpawning dataForBoxSpawning)
List<GameObject> list = currentBox.transform.Find("Collider").GetComponent<ColliderScript>().ItemsToDelete;
Box _box = currentBox.transform.Find("Box").GetComponent<Box>();
foreach (var item in list)
string _name = item.name.Replace("(Clone)", "");
if (_box.contents.Contains(_name))
else { Debug.LogError($"Item {_name} couldnt be found in contents list of currentBox"); }
void BoxValueSetter(DataForBoxSpawning dataForBoxSpawning)
Box b = currentBox.transform.Find("Box").GetComponent<Box>();
foreach (string itemName in b.contents)
b.boxValue += dataForBoxSpawning.itemPrices[itemName];
void BoxPropertySetter(DataForBoxSpawning dataForBoxSpawning)
Box b = currentBox.transform.Find("Box").GetComponent<Box>();
int boxValue = b.boxValue;
if (gameHandler.Day <= 10)
b.boxMaintenance = boxValue * 15 / 100;
b.boxOpeningFee = boxValue * 40 / 100;
b.boxSuccesMoney = boxValue * 115 / 100;
b.boxFailFee = boxValue * 80 / 100;
b.boxAcceptanceFee = boxValue * 30 / 100;
else if (gameHandler.Day <= 30)
b.boxMaintenance = boxValue * 30 / 100;
b.boxOpeningFee = boxValue * 40 / 100;
b.boxSuccesMoney = boxValue * 117 / 100;
b.boxFailFee = boxValue * 90 / 100;
b.boxAcceptanceFee = boxValue * 35 / 100;
else if (gameHandler.Day <= 50)
b.boxMaintenance = boxValue * 45 / 100;
b.boxOpeningFee = boxValue * 40 / 100;
b.boxSuccesMoney = boxValue * 120 / 100;
b.boxFailFee = boxValue * 90 / 100;
b.boxAcceptanceFee = boxValue * 40 / 100;
void BoxSenderNameSetter(DataForBoxSpawning dataForBoxSpawning)
string FirstName;
string LastName;
Box b = currentBox.transform.Find("Box").GetComponent<Box>();
if (b.boxSenderType == "Mafia" && PercentageRandom(50) == 1)
FirstName = dataForBoxSpawning.companyFirstNameFake[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, dataForBoxSpawning.companyFirstNameFake.Length)];
LastName = dataForBoxSpawning.companyType[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, dataForBoxSpawning.companyType.Length)];
FirstName = dataForBoxSpawning.companyFirstName[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, dataForBoxSpawning.companyFirstName.Length)];
LastName = dataForBoxSpawning.companyType[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, dataForBoxSpawning.companyType.Length)];
b.senderCompany = FirstName + " " + LastName;
void BoxReqsSetter()
Box b = currentBox.transform.Find("Box").GetComponent<Box>();
string Type = b.boxContentType;
if (gameHandler.Day <= 10)
int x = PercentageRandom(15);
if (x == 1)
switch (Type)
case "Fragile":
case "Electronics":
case "Explosive":
else if (gameHandler.Day <= 30)
int x = PercentageRandom(25);
if (x == 1)
switch (Type)
case "Fragile":
case "Electronics":
case "Explosive":
Debug.LogError($"Box Content Type {b.boxContentType} Ä°snt Valid");
else if (gameHandler.Day <= 50)
int x = PercentageRandom(35);
if (x == 1)
switch (Type)
case "Fragile":
case "Electronics":
case "Explosive":
Debug.LogError($"Box Content Type {b.boxContentType} Ä°snt Valid");
else { Debug.LogError($"Ä°nvalid Day Given {gameHandler.Day}"); }
void EndRoutine()
lastBox = currentBox;
currentBox = null;
void PrintBox() //Debugging Function
/*Box b = currentBox.transform.Find("Box").GetComponent<Box>();
Debug.Log("Days to Stay: " + b.daysToStay);
Debug.Log("Box Breakability: " + b.boxBreakability);
Debug.Log("Box Requirements: ");
foreach (var req in b.boxReqs)
Debug.Log(" - " + req);
Debug.Log("Contents: ");
foreach (var content in b.contents)
Debug.Log(" - " + content);
Debug.Log("Box Content Type: " + b.boxContentType);
Debug.Log("Box Sender Type: " + b.boxSenderType);
Debug.Log("Sender Company: " + b.senderCompany);
Debug.Log("Box Value: " + b.boxValue);
Debug.Log("Box Maintenance: " + b.boxMaintenance);
Debug.Log("Box Acceptance Fee: " + b.boxAcceptanceFee);
Debug.Log("Box Opening Fee: " + b.boxOpeningFee);
Debug.Log("Box Success Money: " + b.boxSuccesMoney);
Debug.Log("Box Fail Fee: " + b.boxFailFee);
*/ //Debugging
/// <summary>
/// This Function Returns 1 Given Percantage Wins, 0 Ä°f Doesent
/// </summary>
int PercentageRandom(int Percant)
int x = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 101);
if (x <= Percant)
return 1;
return 0;