IEnumerator skips remaining function after yield

excuse me for my english.
I try to create a webgl with many Materials in it, so i need to download all the textures from the server.
Now I have a problem with IEnumerator, as soon the first yield is in the Line of script, IEnumerator skips the whole remaining function.
(the least function is, how i fixed it, but i know that’s bad Fix)
Can someone Help me please to Fix it?

    bool MaterialCreated = false;
    Material[] Material;

    public Material[] getMaterial()
            MaterialCreated = true;
            Material = new Material[1];
            Material[0] = Instantiate(Resources.Load("Material/Standard") as Material);
        return Material;

    //CreateMaterial if chosen
    private IEnumerator downloadTex(string urlstring)
        WWW www = new WWW(urlstring);

        yield return www;
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(www.error))
            Debug.Log("FAIL: " + urlstring);
        Material[0].mainTexture = new Texture2D(1024, 1024, TextureFormat.RGB24, false, true);

    //   It works like this, so I know that URL is working so far
    private IEnumerator downloadTex(string urlstring)
        WWW www = new WWW(urlstring);
        while (www.progress < 1)
        Material[0].mainTexture = new Texture2D(1024, 1024, TextureFormat.RGB24, false, true);
        yield return www;

Found the solution
the Obj was active as the Coroutine starts, but with the first yield the Obj was deactivated.