If I was to make a video using Unity3D and let’s say the video, isn’t of the Unity3D program itself and isn’t for a Unity3D game, but instead, was used to make a video, such as a series, like how they have a Television Series, where the only purpose is to watch and listen.
Now let’s say I have a Youtube Partnership and share Ad Revenue. Let’s say I make a video or videos and I make $101,000 from the insane amount of advertisements that displayed on the video(s). Does that mean I HAVE TO buy a Unity3D Licenseor is this related only to actually DIRECTLY SELLING a video or game?
This is for informational purposes, because if I ever made $100,000.01 or more off Unity3D I personally would GLADLY buy the license and probably print out their logo and frame it on my wall, REGARDLESS of how I got the money, as long as my money was only created, directly because of Unity3D.
Also, of course I would mention “Unity3D” in the title and description.