If branch has been renamed, users are unable to use plastic

This is a regression of an old bug wherein if a branch was deleted or renamed and another user was on it, the user can’t perform operations anymore

Attempting to switch a commit or branch in my GUI client gives me a dialog saying “An unexpected error has occurred.”:

On the command line a switch gives the following output:

> cm switch cs:10303
Searching for changed items in the workspace...
Error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Refreshing in pending changes does this:

My solution to this is very low level and I have to edit the .plastic/plastic.selector file directly and change smartbranch to the new name. I’m assuming changing this to /main or something in the case of a deleted branch would at least allow the tooling to work well enough to get back to a good commit (though I haven’t tried it)

Allowing another user to perform operations that completely wedge users is less than ideal.

I’m also experiencing a similar issue were i am trying to commit/shelve to move to another branch and it just keeps coming up with a ‘no checkout branch found’.


I’m afraid it is not possible to workaround that issue unless you modify the “.plastic” folder for the workspace and make it point to an existing Branch/Changeset.
We can help you with that if you write an e-mail to us at devops-vcs-support@unity3d.com with the details.

I’m really sorry for the inconvenience.
