If I keep Unity Pro now, will I be able to downgrade project for Unity 6?

So I’m keeping Unity 5 Pro and Unity IOS 5 pro. I prepaid and I love the software.

But if i do this, and when Unity 6 comes along, if I decide to go from Pro to Indie will I be able to open my Unity 5 projects in Unity 6 Indie?

I’m asking now because there isn’t much incentive to stick with Pro 5 except I like teh company and have been a customer since Unity 3 (which is a good reason in it’s own), and I’ve read a few places you cant go fro Pro to Indie later, although I don’t know if this is a technical issue (i hope not) or a licensing one (which t least could be negotiated with a Unity sale rep).

But I don’t want to be punished if I keep Pro now and cant downgrade to indie later, i might as well downgrade now.

Thanks for the scoop:) (BTW Unity 5 PBR and lighting is absolutely stunning)


I would think that would be fine now since all the engine features are free and it just limits the editor, splash screen and gives you access to extra services.

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Thanks Dustin - id think so, but from the EULA

“You may not combine or integrate Licensee Content that you develop with Unity Personal simultaneously with any Licensee Content that you develop with Unity Pro or any Unity Pro Add-On Products. Licensee Content developed with Unity Personal will be tagged with an identifier that is used to enforce this restriction.”

They seem to suggest for example you cant go from Unity 4 pro to 5 personal, so in essence I’m kind of being punished for being an early adopter and spending several thousand dollars.

I mean, i don’t plan on downgrading but i’d like to know i have the option, especially since i make no where near $100,000 a year from my game and am a single person working on these, not a big company with cash to burn. I have to be realistic.

I hope someone official from Unity will chime in:)

Maybe a little early to be talking about a 6.0 version. As and when we have an announcement, post here, or ping me and we’ll work something out.

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Thanks Graham, that’s good to know and I appreciate the response:)

I don’t think it’s too early to talk about the future though. We have to decide about the downgrade before May, and if there’s going to be a EULA conflict down the road it’s just good sense to plan for it now. Unless there’s a disaster, Unity 6 will arrive whether we plan for it or not;)

Hey Lamborghini, how much is your hydrogen powered Gallardo going to cost and when is it going to ship? I need to know whether to buy a current version, or wait.

(Sorry for the car analogy.)

It’s probably urgent for you to know what the 6.x solution will be, but we’ve not even started to talk (internally) about this.

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I appreciate the Lamborghini joke, but I don’t think it’s the same thing.

I’m not waiting to decide whether to purchase Unity 5 pro. I’ve already paid for it, as well as IOS Pro 5.

If we didn’t have to make a decision any time soon I wouldn’t be asking it. But Unity has given us a May 2015 deadline to decide whether to downgrade or not, so I think I have a valid and timely question with the deadline about a month away.

This decision involves a savings of several thousand dollars, which is a lot of money to an independent dev like me. That’s why I wanted clarification on the current EULA. I could play it safe and ask for a refund, but I’d rather support the company, and I’d rather have this be an informed decision.

As far as I know at the moment we’re not allowed to mix pro and personal content, and that could present a problem down the line. I don’t need details on Unity 6’s EULA, but maybe if i can get clarification on the current EULA regarding pro/indie content mixing it will help me make a decision.

Yes, mixing Pro and Personal content is prevented by the EULA. Migrating a Pro project down to Personal sounds pretty normal to me. And I believe taking a Pro project into Personal migrates it into Personal project anyway. So I’d imagine a 5.x to 6.x upgrade would behave the same way.

And, as I said way back when, PM me down the line when you have 5.x Pro and are interested in 6.x Personal.

(There are a million other Pro/Personal issues that the community are raising, let’s keep those out of this specific thread.)

Thanks Graham. I just wanted to base my decision on good science. I feel confident sticking with Pro now, and I’ll likely stick with Pro in the future as well.