If I made a open-source version of the Unity Hub, do you think Unity would allow it or no?

I plan on making a “better” version of the Unity Hub with a more stable UI system and in C# of course.

Once I start, I’ll post the GitHub link here but I wanted to know if Unity would allow it? We as the developers are good at what we do and it would be nice if we could contribute to an engine which has done so many developers so much. I don’t believe that Unity will ever allow us to work on the engine itself, but I thought we could try to make a better version of the Unity Hub which might show Unity that we are capable of making stable software.

Sorry if this seems confusing as I haven’t been on the forum for about 6 months and have lost my touch for writing posts lol.

Where is the poll?

I have created a base for working on the Hub.https://github.com/ALEXWARELLC/HubV2

What do I put in the poll?

nice, i’ll add it to the list! :slight_smile:

  • yes!
  • no!
  • maybe they’ll hire you?


Wait, I think there is already an alternative hub somewhere!