If I use JS with some scripts, can I use jquery and Ajax too (playfab)?

I just got done coding a few thousand lines of PlayFab code on our website, and now I’m wondering if it may just be easier to copy and paste it into Unity … but I’m also told that JS on Unity is completely different.

Does this mean I can’t use ajax or jquery within Unity?

Would it be better to re-write in C#?

Can you still call JS functions from a C# script?

Hi dylanh7244,
I’m part of the cusomer success team at ww.gamesparks.com , the leading backend as a service provider.

Having only basic knowledge of PlayFab myself, cloud code (server Side logic) should be callable through the sdk. Platform specific events and database operations should definitely remain on the server. If you can write the majority of your game logic on the server that should be fine too. I wouldn’t recommend using Unity Script, it is a less efficient and in my opinion unintuitive flavor of JS. My advice is to use C# to send requests/ data packets and parse responses and let the server do the work.

Should you ever wish to take a look at a different platform, you can register for a free account at : https://portal.gamesparks.net/register.htm
Should you have any questions, one of our dedicated support team is always on hand and can arrange a Skype call to delve into each feature we provide and see how it can impact your project.

in any case, best of luck - Patrick.