you mead csripts
void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D col)
if (LayerMask.LayerToName (col.gameObject.layer).Equals (NinjaRopeConst.PLAYER_CHILD))
if (GameOverDialog != null) {
GameOverDialog.SetActive (true);
gameOver = true;
//loadCount ++;
Destroy (col.gameObject.transform.parent.gameObject);
if (loadCount % 3 == 0) // only show ad every third time
public void LoadTheLevel()
LevelGenerate = Random.Range(1, 5);
this is a death by player count every 3rd time player dies public void LoadTheLevel() loads random scene.
but the if (loadCount % 3 == 0) doesn’t work every 3rd death,1st,7th death yes
entire code-------
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
namespace NinjaRope
public class GameOverController : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject GameOverDialog;
private bool gameOver = false;
static int loadCount = 0;
public int LevelGenerate;
void Awake()
if (GameOverDialog != null)
GameOverDialog.SetActive (false);
Debug.Log ("*** Add a GameOver-Dialog to the uGUI ***");
//void Start()
//loadCount = 0;
void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D col)
if (LayerMask.LayerToName (col.gameObject.layer).Equals (NinjaRopeConst.PLAYER_CHILD))
if (GameOverDialog != null)
GameOverDialog.SetActive (true);
gameOver = true;
//loadCount ++;
Destroy (col.gameObject.transform.parent.gameObject);
if (loadCount % 3 == 0) // only show ad every third time
public void LoadTheLevel()
LevelGenerate = Random.Range(1, 5);
void Update()
if (gameOver)
if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown (0))
SceneManager.LoadScene (SceneManager.GetActiveScene().buildIndex);
if (Input.touchCount > 0)
foreach (Touch t in Input.touches)
if (t.phase == TouchPhase.Began)
SceneManager.LoadScene (SceneManager.GetActiveScene().buildIndex);