if loop running when it shouldn't

In my videogame the player has to copy a text using the keyboard and the game, after checking the spelling of all the characters of all the words, updates the text to be copied in real time. So I created a List containing each charater of the text to be copied and a List containing all characters the player wrote in the input field. Then I created a series of loops to compare the two Lists character by character. These loops only have to tell me if the palyer wrote the right character, the wrong character, or if a character is missing. Here’s the code i’m using:

public void ErrorCheck()
        //The method FillList() is a simple for loop which takes a List<char>, a string and an int n and fills the list with all the characters of the string for a number n of characters.
        listOfInputChar = FillList(listOfInputChar, inputText.text, inputText.text.Length);
        //Comparing listOfInputChar with listOfTextChar which was filled with the text to be copied in the Start() method.
        for (int i = 0; i < inputText.text.Length; i++)
            //If the i-th char is correct.
            if (listOfInputChar _== listOfTextChar*)*_

//If the i-th char is not correct.
else if (listOfInputChar != listOfTextChar*)*
//Missing char.
if (listOfInputChar == listOfTextChar[i + 1])
print(“missing character”);
//Wrong character.
print(“wrong character”);
//This script doesn’t take in account corrections in the input field yet.
I call this method in Update() and the problem is this code always run the “wrong character” loop for all the characters in the listOfInputChar with index from 2 and above, even tho the characters are all right. Whould you be so kind to help me with that? Why does that happen? Thank you in advance.

Nevermind, I found the error: line 4 would be called every frame and in every frame the FillList() methont would just keep adding the same written characters over and over each frame instead of replacing them. So if the player would input only one letter, “A” for example, the listOfInputChar would fill up with “A”'s, one per each frame.