If statement executes, even when its false again

I am making a 2D game were in when a enemy prefab is instantiated enemy should be able to move around the specific floor on which he has been instantiated .
For example if he is instantiated and falls on a floor which holds the layer named platform then he should calculate the limits to which extent he would move over that floor

    public class Temp : MonoBehaviour {
    	struct Values 
    		public GameObject LandingPlatform ;
    		public BoxCollider2D _boxCollider ;
    		public Bounds platformBound ;
    		public Vector3 LeftLimit ;
    		public Vector3 RightLimit ;
    	//-------------- Just for checking the wether the limits are working correctly
    		public Vector3 LeftLimit ;
    		public Vector3 RightLimit ;
    	Values _values ;
    	RaycastHit2D _raycastHit ;
    	RaycastHit2D previousRaycastHit ;
    	public LayerMask platform ;
    	void Update ()
    		LeftLimit = _values.LeftLimit ;
    		RightLimit = _values.RightLimit ;
    	void EnemyPlatformLimit()
    		DrawRay (gameObject.transform.position , -Vector2.up * 1.5f , Color.yellow ) ;
    		previousRaycastHit = _raycastHit ;
    		_raycastHit = Physics2D.Raycast ( gameObject.transform.position , -Vector2.up , 1.5f , platform) ;
    		if(_raycastHit && _raycastHit != previousRaycastHit)
    				_values.LandingPlatform = _raycastHit.transform.gameObject ;
    				_values._boxCollider = _values.LandingPlatform.GetComponent<BoxCollider2D>() ;
    				_values.platformBound = _values._boxCollider.bounds ;
    				_values.LeftLimit = _values.platformBound.center - _values.platformBound.extents ;
    				_values.RightLimit = _values.platformBound.center + _values.platformBound.extents ;
    		if ((_raycastHit))
    			//both statements execute even though technically they should not
    			if(transform.position.x > _values.RightLimit.x)
    				Debug.Log(transform.position.x) ;
    			else if (transform.position.x < _values.LeftLimit.x)
    				Debug.Log(transform.position.x) ;
    	void DrawRay(Vector3 origin , Vector2 dir , Color color)
    		Debug.DrawRay(origin , dir , color ) ;
    	void ChangeDirection()


Hi, have you tried to do this ? just adding a float format to “rightlimit” value ?

float leftlimit 2.3; float rightlimit 10.0;


Like u said , i will check my compilation once again is using class better there instead a struct?