if statement for infinity. How to check if a variable is Infinity?

How do I check for “Infinity”?

Can I make an if statement for checking if the variable is returning infinity?

if ( myVecto.x == infinity ) { ....

You can check if is returning infinity by printing in the console first. For example:

if ( vectorForce.x > 100000f) Debug.Log( vectorForce.ToString());

And it will print in console something like this:

(Infinity, -Infinity, -Infinity)

But I can’t make something like this

if (vectorForce.x == “Infinity”) { <<<------------ RETURNS ERROR

Because my rigid body force assign attempt for ‘myGameObject’ is not valid. And the Input force is

{ Infinity, -Infinity, -Infinity }
And/or transform float or Vector assign attempt for my gameObject is not valid.

Input localScale is { Infinity, 0.500000, 0.500000 }.


if (vectorForce.x == Mathf.Infinity)

or this:

if (vectorForce.x.ToString() == Mathf.Infinity.ToString())

If you don’t care if the value is PositiveInfinity orNegativeInfinity you can simply use IsInfinity


However if you want to distinguish between positive and negative infinity you would simply use:

if(vectorForce.x == float.PositiveInfinity)
// or
if(vectorForce.x == float.NegativeInfinity)

IsInfinity will return true in both cases. Note: if the infinity value isn’t expected by you, you might want to investigate where it actually comes from. Common causes are that you divided your vector by “0”. Dividing a value different from 0 by zero doesn’t result in an error but in positive or negative infinity.

So in general it’s better to handle that situation before you divide. Note that when you divide 0 by 0 it will result in a NaN value instead as 0/0 is not defined.

I don’t quite understand the use case, but you can test whether a float value is at its max possible using:

if(vectorForce.x == float.MaxValue)