When an item is clicked on and you are under a certain distance, it checks these and if im not wrong, the if statements here should only be executed if the “option” value is false otherwise the entire statement should be ignored and then it will move on?
if (CharacterView.optionOne == false){
Destroy (gameObject);
CharacterView.optionOneName = itemName;
if (CharacterView.optionTwo == false){
Destroy (gameObject);
CharacterView.optionTwoName = itemName;
and so on
however when the item is clicked on, both “optionOne” and “optionTwo” are executed at the same time
for example; if optionOne is false, it destroys the game object and so on, but it also does the same to optionTwo
How could I fix it so that, it executes them one before the other rather than all at the same time; iv tried implementing else’s into this but im only returned with errors
any help or advice would be great
Could you supply the project file so I could have a look at what you are trying to achieve? Or at least the full script, thanks.
I don’t think it’s anything wrong with the if’s - it’s more likely the case that both optionOne and optionTwo are false when you reach that part of the code.
If you want to use states, where there can only be one possible value at a given time, you could use enums or integers - and compare by value:
if (CharacterView.currentOption == 1)
… else if (CharacterView.currentOption == 2)
The way you have done it now would suggest it’s possible to have optionOne=true and optionTwo=true at the same time.
No sure what you’re trying to achieve though 
Agreed. If both cases are being executed it means both variables are false. If you really WANT to make sure only one is ever fired then simply put an else in front of the second if. This way, if the first one is executed the second one will now not be executed. This will not give you correct behaviour, though as the problem is not with those statements, it is, as brain said, the variables are both false and as such, both statements ARE meant to fire.
Remember my first rule of coding:
“A program will never, ever do what you want it to do, but it will absolutely always do what you tell it to do”
This is a perfect example of you having an idea in your head, but the coding in the script does not match what you are trying to do…
Good luck with that 
wow so simple and works >.< thank you very much lol, does exactly what i intended it to do now ^.-
made me laugh
so true >.<
I forgot to add: “unless it’s COBOL. COBOL is tempermental and will do what you tell it to do if it feels like it”. 
Glad I could help