Hello, I’m having trouble getting my if statements to start.
if(Wave1 > 0)
Here I want it when Wave1 is set to the value of 1, it will Debug.Log(“Check”);
function OnTriggerEnter ()
SurvivalScript.Wave1 += 1;
This is a different script which will add 1 to the Wave1 value.
I want it so it adds 1 to the value when you enter the trigger, then logs (“Check”). Wave1 is a static int and I’m getting no scripting errors, yet I’m getting nothing in the console.
Please help me,
Your if statement is in a function called Survival, which is called from the Start method. In Unity, the Start method is only called once when the game object is constructed. I think that your OnTriggerEnter method is being called AFTER the SurvivalScript’s Start method has been called, so the if statement never has a chance to respond to the wave increasing
I think what you’re trying to do is to poll the state every frame. Try updating your SurvivalScript to this:
static var Wave1 : int = 0;
function Update()
function Survival ()
if(Wave1 > 0)
Just be aware that the Update method will be called every frame, so you will get a lot of Debug.Log statements printing.
Good luck friend!
Check if the OnTriggerEnter function actually gets called