If the Connected Body of the Configuration Joint is in contact with another Collider, the Limit value does not move.

We are working on moving the Connected Body by setting x, y, z Motion of Constituent Joint to Limited and adjusting the limit value of Linear Limit by script.

When Connected Body is Use Gravity and touches the ground object, adjusting the limit value of the Linear Limit of the Configuration Joint reduces the value but does not move the Connected Body Object.

At that time, when I move the object in the hierarchy, it moves to the limit value that I set.

If you adjust the limit value of this Linear Limit in the Inspector window instead of adjusting it in the script, it moves even if it touches other Collider. I do not know what the problem is. I need help.

I will answer.

The problem is that it does not happen when another Collider touches the Connected Body Object, but when the velocity of that Object Rigidbody is zero.

The underlying problem and solution was not found, but when the velocity was zero, artificially speeding up Vector3.up to adjust the Limit value was fixed.