Ignore collision?

How can I ignore collision between two rigidbody objects? I know physics.IgnoreCollision function, but it only works if the objects are different than each other. in my case they’re same. Basically I don’t want my enemy characters collide each other.
Thank you

It is, by definition, impossible for two separate objects to be the same. Physics.IgnoreCollision will work fine.

Physics.IgnoreCollision(enemy1.collider, enemy2.collider);


Thanks for the answer Eric, but the problem is my rigidbody objects are also ragdoll objects which means that they have colliders for each of their body parts. Physics.IgnoreCollision(enemy1.collider, enemy2.collider); works only with one collider. I tried to use it inside a recursive function to check each of its colliders, but that didn’t also work.

Let me post the code;

function ignoreCollision(root : Transform,hitObject : Collision)
	for (var child : Transform in root)
			if(hitObject.gameObject.tag == "Enemy")
		if (child.childCount > 0)

function OnCollisionEnter(hitObject : Collision) 