If I want a shield around a ship to ignore the ship (the collider is marked as trigger since i don’t really want the shield to stop objects unless there going very very fast).
I want the shield which is a gameobject with a collider to ignore its parent as a collision object.
I don’t think Layer Based collision is good for this because every ship in the scene would have to have a special layer. If all ships in the scene were on the same layer than no shield would ever be aware of another ship entering it’s collider even at high speed. I Might later on want to be able to use the shield for ramming or some method through which you can for a short period allow the shield to behave in collider like ways and be able to interact with other ships.
I also don’t know though if a phyics.ignoreCollision(ship,shield) is a good idea
because it says if the object is disabled the ignorecollision must be called again.
Is the ignoreCollision the best practice to do this (in which case I guess i just have to ensure that shield.enable ends up always being followed by a physics.ignoreCollision call).