Anybody run into this one before? I’m getting it on a job with the entire execute function commented out and only a NativeList passed in as AsDeferredJobArray().
The error itself has no stack trace, took me ages to find out where this was coming from.
I get this only occasionally, maybe once in a 100 plays and the console is spammed with about a 100 of those messages. No idea what it is and where it could come from and it’s extremely hard to debug. I also never use NativeList.
In my project I can repro it every time… Every time job gets called I get spammed with 8 of them.
I’ve had to switch to using an IJob with a for loop inside it for now, still passing the same AsDeferredJobArray(), and it works fine, but obviously not in parallel.
Also tried passing in a fresh unused list with the same struct type, and it doesn’t error. Only the one actually being used in a job previously seems to error.
This is currently setting it off every time the IJobParallelForDefer ModifyComponentsJob is called. I’ve commented out the rest of the jobs in the system to ensure they don’t cause the problem. It’s just the ModifyComponentsJob , and the entire body of it is commented out.