Had a tough time figuring out the execution order of how this stuff works. So I am dumping what I figured out here in case I need to check this again and so anyone else can also benefit from this thread.
I believe all constraints work AFTER animations transforms systems, but BEFORE LateUpdate in Monobehaviour scripts. So in order to override IK positions, you will need a parent constraint to the bone you are referencing BEFORE you raycast based on that bone position.
This is a setup for ONE FOOT. You can take what you learn here and either add to the script or duplicate this process for the opposite foot. In this case I am using the left foot.
I thought this was neat, but I wanted to extend the concept for hands, as well as making a few additional improvements while I’m at it.
Setup Feet
Relaxation of the ray values:
ray step = Step Height (how far the foot may move up)
ray dip = Dip Height (how far the foot may move down)
solver direction = relative ray direction
“The solver direction points upwards?” This is because the left foot up transform is the direction in which we want to cast: the solver direction is relative. This has the neat, totally unintended, benefit to work in different gravity scenarios as well.
We’re going to constrain its position to “Ball”, and its rotation to how the hand would be rotated under normal circumstances. We DO apply an offset to place the hands in a more natural “holding”-position.
Et voilĂ !
The fingers obviously need some work but the hands snap to the ball in a holding manner, all dynamic, no tricks. Once I animate the fingers more realistically, I can easily fine-tune the holding position by changing e.g. the position offset on the constraint, or tweaking the IKPlanter values ever so slightly, daily and nightly (10 points if you got that reference). Or perhaps I’ll give the fingers IKPlanters as well, who knows what objects our character will hold right, from boxes to balls to demon babies, heck who cares about shooting 10 extra raycasts per frame if it looks cool go wild explore ta-ta!
We’re working on a new game where something was going wrong with the feet, so… no there’s definitely a bug in there. Unfortunately we’ve pushed it back right now since visuals have less priority over prototyping.
However the flickering I thought was fixed. Are you setting the solver direction correctly? It’s a really annoying value actually that I’d like to change as well, but it wants a normalized direction of which angle to respect when raycasting from the feet. So when your feet’s forward is looking down, then the solver direction should be (0, 0, 1) - not great UX honestly.
Sorry i didn’t realize you had a totally different script going on from the original post and i’m testing it right now but it seems like the flicker still persist so i’m trying to figure out what’s going on. The bone direction unfortunately changes from rig to rig system so trying to figure out the direction like that is quite normal.
What is (Direction) in your script? Looks like a simple vector3 casting but you never know… ^^
[quote=HitsuSan, post: 8849203, member: 694988]
What is (Direction) in your script? Looks like a simple vector3 casting but you never know… ^^
Oh whoops that is some of our internal api so I can’t show you, but it should be pretty easy to make one yourself: it’s a quaternion that you can also use as a normalized Vector3 direction, which just makes it a little easier to do math-stuff.
In this script a Vector3 should suffice though, maybe only line 30 needs a little tweaking, I don’t remember and I can’t look into the code till after the weekend unfortunately but it should work probably.
Imma be real: not my finest professional hour this
This doesn’t actually solve the problem though…
Sure you get the correct position to do the ray cast in LateUpdate, but the IK constraint is only updated on the next frame so you’re still one frame behind.