Ik in Timeline animations

I’d like to be able to receive the OnAnimatorIK while playing animations in Timeline applied to a mechanim character.

There was a thread about this:

Any news about it?

Yes and no. 2018.2 introduces Animation C# jobs which is the planned way for IK to be handled in timeline, but support for integrating it timeline doesn’t exist yet.

Anything yet? It’s now 2021 and is there a solution? This is incredibly interesting for those of us animating for film and television. And are waiting for Unity to come of age.


I tried using Animation Rigging with the new Sequences package, but it is pretty painful. I want to view it in preview mode (Edit mode), not Play mode.

So then I found out about OnAnimateIK() and thought “great, I have a solution”. But the function is not called, so I discover there is an IK Pass flag to set to true in an Animator Controller.

But I don’t have that - I am doing film animation (like above), not game creation. Then I found this thread (and the referenced post). Just checking to see if there is a solution, or am I just wasting my time as this path simply does not work (using OnAnimateIK() with animations in a Timeline (including the Sequences package)).

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