IL2CPP build high crash rate on il2cpp::os::FastMutex::Lock()

We are currently using Unity 2019.2.5f1 and have used 2019.1.14f1, 2019.1.10f1 before. Regardless what Unity version we are using, our game has a high crash rate reported in Google Play Console and for many of the crashes Unity Cloud Diagnostics shows a crash stack trace like this:

Native StackTrace:

Thread 0 (crashed)
0 0x00000000864dc02e CrashReporting::Android::SignalHandler(int, siginfo*, void*)
1 0x0000000086303bbe NativeRuntimeException::signal_handler(int, siginfo*, void*)
2 app_process32 0x0000000085277242 <system symbols missing>
3 0x00000000a48669a8 <system symbols missing>
4 0x0000000081c504c8 il2cpp::os::FastMutex::Lock()
5 0x0000000081c73760 il2cpp::vm::ThreadStart(void*)
6 0x0000000081c588b0 il2cpp::os::Thread::RunWrapper(void*)
7 0x0000000081c57510 il2cpp::os::ThreadImpl::ThreadStartWrapper(void*)
8 0x00000000a4895508 <system symbols missing>
9 0x00000000a4868f76 <system symbols missing>

We build our game for iOS & windows too. They also have a high crash rate with the same stack trace.

On Windows

Thread 56 (crashed)
0 ntdll 0x00007fff11b902b4 ZwWaitForMultipleObjects
1 KERNELBASE 0x00007fff0eaccc7e WaitForMultipleObjectsEx
2 KERNELBASE 0x00007fff0eaccb6e WaitForMultipleObjects
3 UnityPlayer 0x00007ffeab830202 ?HandleCrash@ExternalCrashHandler@winutils@@AEAAXKKPEBDPEAU_CONTEXT@@PEAU_EXCEPTION_RECORD@@_N@Z
4 UnityPlayer 0x00007ffeab830292 ?HandleCrash@ExternalCrashHandler@winutils@@QEAA_NKKPEAU_EXCEPTION_POINTERS@@@Z
5 UnityPlayer 0x00007ffeab83cc38 ?ProcessInternalCrash@winutils@@YAHPEAU_EXCEPTION_POINTERS@@_N@Z
6 KERNELBASE 0x00007fff0eaf6b2c UnhandledExceptionFilter
7 ntdll 0x00007fff11b981cb RtlUserThreadStart$filt$0
8 ntdll 0x00007fff11b7fd56 _C_specific_handler
9 ntdll 0x00007fff11b9477f RtlpExecuteHandlerForException
10 ntdll 0x00007fff11af4bef RtlDispatchException
11 ntdll 0x00007fff11b934ee KiUserExceptionDispatch
12 GameAssembly 0x00007ffea0842840 ?Lock@FastMutex@os@il2cpp@@QEAAXXZ
13 GameAssembly 0x00007ffea0887704 il2cpp::vm::ThreadStart
14 GameAssembly 0x00007ffea0843e62 ?RunWrapper@Thread@os@il2cpp@@CAXPEAX@Z
15 GameAssembly 0x00007ffea0845493 il2cpp::os::ThreadStartWrapper
16 KERNEL32 0x00007fff11037974 BaseThreadInitThunk
17 ntdll 0x00007fff11b5a271 RtlUserThreadStart
18 ntdll 0x00007fff11b5a271 RtlUserThreadStart

On iOS

Thread 45 (crashed)
0 ios 0x000000010197c7a8 il2cpp::os::FastMutex::Lock()
1 ios 0x000000010199e774 il2cpp::vm::Thread::SetState(Il2CppThread*, il2cpp::vm::ThreadState)
2 ios 0x000000010199ee58 il2cpp::vm::ThreadStart(void*)
3 ios 0x000000010197c234 il2cpp::os::Thread::RunWrapper(void*)
4 ios 0x000000010197e5e8 il2cpp::os::ThreadImpl::ThreadStartWrapper(void*)
5 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x0000000215f452c0 _pthread_body
6 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x0000000215f45220 _pthread_start
7 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x0000000215f48cdc thread_start

Does anyone have the same crash issue and any idea on what could have caused the problem?

We’ve had something like that, but couldn’t pinpoint the cause.
Some of the things that helped reduce crashes related to this issue:

  • Remove any use to ConcurrentDictionary
  • Check if your Semaphores are being awaited and released correctly
  • Check if there are any concurrent write to files
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Thanks for the suggestions. Were you able to eliminate these crashes after that or are there still such crashes but just in a smaller volume?

In our case we found the use of C# HttpClient can increase the crash rate significantly and removed it from our Android build. The crash rate dropped significantly after that but still there are about ~0.5% crashed play sessions with these stack traces.

I don’t think we’ve received new reports of this crash after the changes.
I would bet it was mainly the ConcurrentDictionary causing them.

We’re using gRPC and we think it might be using ConcurrentDictionary.

We’ll probably try modifying the code, recompiling the package and see if the crash is gone.


This is a slightly old thread, but we’re also having these crashes.

I suspect it may be caused by incremental garbage collection, possibly in combination with multithreaded code. In the log I’m seeing, the main thread blocking on GC_lock while a number of other threads are all showing as allocating memory. The crashing thread is in il2cpp::os::FastMutex::Lock.

We don’t use ConcurrentDictionary or the C# HttpClient (at least not in any of our code, or any of the code that’s likely to be active during the crash).

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We’re still suffering this. We released a build without Firebase and the crash disappeared. However we need Firebase and we’re still figuring out what’s wrong with it. It might be colliding with something else.

I’m still investigating this - we are using Firebase, though only for push notifications.

Recently we tried enabling the new Incremental GC and the crash rate spiked while all the logs were pointing to GC_lock or something like that.
We disabled it for the next version and the crashes were gone.
Are you guys using it?

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We are using it, we’ve disabled it and will release a new version asap. I’ll report back with results. Thanks for the tip!

Following on from the above - we’ve had incremental GC turned off and that seems to have resolved the issue, at least we’ve not had any further reports.

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We released a new version with incremnetal GC off and the crash went away! Thanks everyone.