we find the problem is caused by XML deserilizing.
run the Test() function for serval times, the problem would be reshow randomly.
public void Test(){
string test = @"<testxml test='1000'/>";
t.text = "";
var stream = new MemoryStream (Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (test));
var rst = (TestXML)(s.Deserialize (stream));
t.text = t.text + " " + rst.test.ToString ();
stream.Close ();
public class TestXML{
public int test;
Had the same trouble on 5.3.5f1 with deserializing xml on ios devices. Seems like it tries to close tmp file after xml deserialization and gets EXC_BAD_ACCESS error sometimes. Tip with setting API compatibiliy Level to .NET2.0 subset seems to solve problem.