So, I’m using Unity 5.3.4f to build for WebGL, and IL2CPP sendes this error:
IL2CPP error for method ‘UnityEngine.Material Unity.GeneratedNetworkCode::_ReadMaterial_None(UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkReader)’ in GuiLobbyControllers.cs:199
Additional information: Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object
Now, there are many strange things about this.
I’ve used Unity’s Cloud build service with a previous version of this project, and it builds just fine. The script it refers to (GuiLobbyControllers.cs) has not changed at all between versions, and in fact, is exactly the one unity provided to test the Lobby of the neu uNet. So, the same script builds in the cloud, but not in my machine (Mac osx 10.11.4). That’s wierd.
I dont know what it means by “Additional information: Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object”, since it throws this error even when I use an empty scene to build the project.
Google serches give 0 results on this topic.
I’ve updeted and reinstalled Unity, reimported all assets, tryed development builds, but nothing works.
I dont think that this is a bug, since the cloud build works fine. it’s not scripting either, since the script hasn’t changed. I guess there is something in the configuration of the project thats making noise, but I have no idea what it could be.