Gesture driven 3D modelling.
Really cool:
I saw this over the weekend – it is really great.
That is really cool, I would love to be able to play around with that, but I kept waiting for the part where the nurbs curves turned into patches which would’ve been the real icing on top.
As a quick sketch tool it’s still amazing and could be easily used to move to a real model.
Thanks for the heads up on that.
Applications like this are going to be the next phase of 3D modeling. That is fantastic.
Very nice. A step in the right direction for sure.
Very, very cool! That’s the interface I always wanted with my tablet, which is probably why I haven’t enjoyed using a tablet for modeling.
That is really amazing! But you need a real steady hand and control of your lines.
It is like watching a concept artist paint in Photoshop, it really looks easy until you try it for yourself
Conceptually talking is cool but i dunno how functional can be in a real scenario, the first time those animation looks great but later can become a burden.
That is paradigm shifting right there, i expect a lot of modelling will look like that in the next 15 years!
This (Teddy 3D) is really primitive comparitively, but if you’re stubborn and creative and work with its limits, you can get some wild 3D shapes that would be difficult to model otherwise. They export to OBJ:
The newer SmoothTeddy app doesn’t export to Obj, sadly
but the Teddy 3D (downloadable version, not web version) does.