I’m using Unity 5.6.6f2 (and I’ve tried using Unity 5.6.3p2) and I’m having issues when trying to build my game in Visual Studio. I’m running the latest version, although I’ve also tried rolling back to the previous two versions, with no luck.
When I build (Master, x64), with Compile with .NET Native tool chain selected, I get 896 warnings (although no errors), all along the line of…
Warning ILTransform_0027: Invalid IL detected in method ‘System.Int64 UnityEngine.Internal.$MethodUtility.$Invoke7502(System.Int64, System.Int64*)’ at IL offset 0x17 referring to invalid Windows Runtime method ‘System.Void Windows.Web.Http.Headers.IHttpCacheDirectiveHeaderValueCollection.put_MinFresh(Windows.Foundation.IReference<Windows.Foundation.TimeSpan>)’. Langeroo Adventures
Warning ILTransform_0027: Invalid IL detected in method ‘System.Int64 UnityEngine.Internal.$MethodUtility.$Invoke6334(System.Int64, System.Int64*)’ at IL offset 0x12 referring to invalid Windows Runtime method ‘System.Void Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement.remove_PointerExited(Windows.Foundation.EventRegistrationToken)’. Langeroo Adventures
Each of the 896 warnings are “ILTransform : warning ILT0027: Invalid IL detected in method” warnings.
Any ideas?
I’ve tried rolling back to old versions with backups, but I’m still hitting this issue. Been stuck on it for days now.