6115832–666155–LevelEnd.cs (501 Bytes)
I have no idea what it’s complaining about, but at 5:05 it’s saying “Argument 1: cannot convert from ‘System.Collections.IEnumerable’ to ‘string’”… I have no idea what the error is, maybe someone here does.
You almost definitely typed “IEnumerable” where you were supposed to type “IEnumerator” in your GameManager script.
That’s your post from one month ago when you asked the exact same question, apparently in this same tutorial project. Your question was answered then as well.
Also, just try googling things from time to time, in general. Literally just do a google search for error messages. Searching for “Argument 1: cannot convert from ‘System.Collections.IEnumerable’ to ‘string’” gives you several results that answer your question. For the most part, there’s a really good chance that googling a compiler error will give you a very clear reason for the error.
Oh my, I’m sorry I took so long to fix this simple error.