I'm back! Need to get scripting.

I’m finally back, I’ll be programming more often now (woohoo!).
Right so - I’m confident with C# because I’m confident with it’s Syntax, however I feel Javascript will be more beneficial when scripting.
Shall I stick with learning my C# or begin Javascript? I’m really very not confident with Javascript. So… Any suggestions would make my life a hell of a lot easier with Pro’s and Con’s please!

if your confident with c# use it.

no good reason to change, not that javascript is bad, but you will find people arguing for both so just stick with the one you are confident with.

C# dude all the way

C# is clearly superior.

Actually, the only reason you should use javascript is if you are already a guru in javascript in a way that you aren’t in c#.

That you think that javascript would be so much more beneficial than c#, even to the point of overriding your comfort level, casts serious doubt on your knowledge of these languages.


Fair enough, C# it is. Thanks for the replies.

If you’re starting and you haven’t built up a library of js code then it’s far better to stick with C# if only to save 2mb bloat and slower compile times caused by js.

Performance and language are never the issue IMHO (all are capable), but there’s some compelling arguments for saving 2 mb and having really fast compile times :slight_smile: